Do you borrow things from people? A pen from a co-worker, some eggs from a neighbor, a dress from a friend…What about borrowing Jesus? Have you ever borrowed Him when you needed Him and then put Him back when you were done?
Funny thought…borrowing Jesus…hmmm
But, sometimes I think we live like that. We only go to Jesus when we need to borrow something from Him. And, like the best of neighbors, He reaches out to us to help in our need. But, what if we got into the habit of living in all that is supplied in relationship with Him on a regular basis, not just when we needed something. What would that look like?
Today’s Truth: Micah 7:7
“But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”
Watching in HOPE is living with a new perspective.
Perspective is how we view things….things like life, God, ourselves and others. A new perspective comes from having our minds renewed daily in the Truth of God’s Word, experiencing relationship with God as we grow to know Him, recognize Him and follow Him.
This relationship with God is like going to the store on a regular basis and having your pantry full… having what you need. When you are in the middle of the trials of life, you will not have to borrow Jesus from a friend or a pastor, you will already have Jesus. Best part is, because He is not borrowed from another you will never have to give him back….His promise is to always be with you, always provide for you, always seek the best for you, and always love you.
No, we don’t ever have to borrow Jesus and give him back. He is ours to keep and we are His forever.
- Are you in a current situation that is hard? Watch in hope for the Lord!
- Do you feel that the trial never ends? Wait for God, He hears you and will answer in His time.
We might live in a world where people are on the fence in relationship with God, borrowing Him when needed, putting him back on the shelf when they are not wanting Him…but look at how today’s verse begins
But as for me…I will learn to do something different, something different than I did before, something different than the world around me, something different than what is natural…I am going to learn the wild life, the experiencing God life, the walking with Jesus and not borrowing anyone else’s faith life…But as for me….I watch in hope and wait for the Lord. Yes!
Will you do something different too?
Together let’s become women who try the wild thing, really walking with Jesus. I am not talking legalistic, rule based, judging others walking with Jesus. We all have seen enough of that. I am talking humbly walking with Him daily…grace filled, agape love infused, holy spirit powered…less of us and more of Him!
Sending you a Hug and a Prayer from blogger land…..and trusting that God uses these little devos to help align your focus and renew your heart. Showing up to be with you daily sure does both to me….Debbie
Hug received! Thanks for the focus check and pointing all His ladies to the Truth!
Sending cyber hug and prayers back as you write today!
Love, Lorri