Learning something new is not always easy, is it?
I am getting ready to go out and take my second golf lesson. My husband is thrilled with the idea of having a wife who can go golfing with him. Well, it will take more than a few lessons to hit the course with him.
There is so much to learn, from how I hold the club to how I swing it. And, then there is that silly little ball that I am supposed to hit.My golf instructor says that if we learn the few basic things he is teaching us, we will be able to play the game. Basics…I guess they are pretty important.
Life is like a lesson too. As Christian women we are learning how to walk with Jesus. Is doesn’t come naturally at first, and even the strongest Christian woman can always use a brush up and refresher! And, it takes more than a few “Amens ” to hit the roadway of life. But, if we stay aware of the basics we will walk strong and finish the race.
Today’s Truth : 1 John 3:1
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”
There is a basic truth for ya….You are a child of God. That, my friend, is WHO you are. Take that truth, stand firm, and swing the club at the enemy every time you think otherwise.
And, lavished….Yes, He lavishes his love, pours out his love, covers us in his love…..that is what HE DOES.
I am liking the basics! How about you?
Today’s Prayer
Father, We want to learn to do life YOUR WAY. Be our teacher.
Holy Spirit, teach us the things of God.
A couple lines from a favorite song by Chris Tomlin… “How can I ever say enough how amazing is your love, How can I keep from shouting your name, I know I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing!” To sit in the awareness of the extravagance of God’s love is an amazing, life altering experience. Thanks for the reminder!! This is one “basic” that I hope I never forget.
Thank you so much for this. My heart and spirit are/were contrite before reading this. The simple truth, always brings it back home. Im praying for God to supply for me to go to the womens retreat with the Rock church. I pray I can and that I may be able to learn a thing or two more from our Lord through you. God bless you, and keep swinging 🙂