This week we have been looking at the truth that tells us, we are His representatives. We have also looked at the truth that reminds us that we are still ordinary clay pots. And, even though we are clay pot people, the treasure of God’s Spirit lives in us. Now what? We must be transformed in the area of how we view our self. It’s time to line up our self perception to Biblical truth, transforming it into God’s perception of us.
Living in Truth, Frees Us.
Today’s Truth:2 Cor 5:16,17
“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
We must quit looking upon ourselves so critically. We must look at ourselves through Christ’s lens of love, and the truth that we are His treasure, His representative, and His clay pot that will be used to pour out as God’s instrument to others throughout this life.
Pray today to have God’s view of yourself and not a worldly point of view.
I will not be blogging for a week. Bloggers vacation….as I head out to the International Christian Retail Show in Denver.
God Bless you…and Remember…
Look Up!, Pray Up! and Live Up!
If you don’t know what I am talking about, get a copy of “A Different Kind of Wild”……… New book just released!
I love the book, sharing it with a local church for the ladies small groups! Will miss the weekly devotional :<(