There are many aspects of living in the flesh, that I do not relate to. For instance, witchcraft is not something I personally struggle with. However, the ones that I do understand and that do hit a nerve, are the ones that I need to remember so that I live wisely in my walk with Christ. Take for instance the following from Galatians 5 ( The Amplified)
- Divisions ( dissensions and separation of people)
How do divisions happen? They usually happen when people disagree or hurt each other. Most of this comes from pride or from jealousy, or from putting SELF feelings as the utmost importance in relationships. Wanting to have our “rights” will cause us to be divided against others because people do not always agree on things. What if you were not always “right” even though it seems to you that you are? What if, a differing thought or opinion, when not going against Scriptural precepts, is just a difference of opinion rather than a right verses wrong? Many divisions would be healed if we learned to recognize that when we are beginning to divide, we are entering the territory of living down in our flesh.
- Factions ( groups holding to their own particular opinions)
This is like a sister to division. Once people make a stand in their own pride and opinion, the next step is to set up groups that are exclusive to those who only believe the same way. This too is a working out of the flesh nature within us. It is easier to be segregated than it is to learn to walk in God’s love towards people we don’t understand or agree with.
- Envy (discontented desire for someone else’s possessions or advantages)
I will let Scripture explain this one… speaks loud and clear on the subject.
“But if you have bitter jealousy, envy and contention ( rivalry, selfish ambition) in your hearts, do not pride yourselves on it and thus be in defiance of and false to the Truth. This superficial wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual ( animal) even devilish( demoniacal). For wherever there is jealousy, envy and contention there will also be confusion( unrest, disharmony, rebellion) and all sorts of evil and vile practices.” James 3:14-16 ( Amplified)
- Drunkenness
The Bible does not teach that a woman can not drink. Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding feast, right? But, the Bible clearly teaches that we are not to be drunk with wine, but filled with the Holy Spirit. A woman who is walking in the Spirit needs to determine a few things…is drinking smart for her? Is she able to control her drinking so that she does not even come close to drunk? Does she have a plan…like how much she can safely drink or what drinks she can safely drink without getting drunk? If she is single, does drinking lead to sexual immorality? As an adult woman does drinking lead to worldly and carnal attitudes? And, finally does drinking in public settings possibly stumble others? (as they do not know that you are only having one drink.) For some, who have a history of alcohol abuse either personally or in their families, abstinence might be the best possible way to stay in the Spirit and not live out the addictions of the flesh. Alcohol is not the only type of addicition that needs to be looked at, food is also a powerful addiction and we can be drunk with food , when it is used to soothe or soul, make us happy, fill a void…etc…just like with alcohol. In both cases the question to ask is….is this leading me to walk more in the Spirit or does it lead me into temptations of the flesh?
Today’s Prayer
Father, help me to be aware of the areas of the flesh that drag me down. I desire to have a heart and attitude that is following after you. Teach me what works for me and what doesn’t. Help me to line my life up to your Truth.
You have spoken directly to my heart today, Debbie – something I desperately needed. Thank You
Thanks Deb,
The Holy Spirit uses you in mighty ways in the lives of women. Thank you for reminding me of what is important and what is NOT….today!
This was a hard post for me to read today because it made me recognize just how much I am living in the flesh in a particular area. Thanks for plainly putting Biblical truth out there. I pray I can do the right thing and walk more closely to God.