I wish that doing the right thing was always what came naturally to me. It doesn’t. Sometimes it does and in those times I feel strong and victorious. But, there are many times when I am not even aware that what I am doing is opposite of living up. Why? Because living up is not completely comfortable or natural to me, and living down has been the routine for many years.
Did I ever know I was living down? Nope. And, I bet you are not aware either. That is exactly why we need to be aware of the Biblical details that outline what living down in our flesh nature looks like. If you missed last week, you might want to read some past posts to catch up, but for today we will continue with the list out of Galatians 5. Today I am quoting from The Amplified Bible.
“But I say, walk and live habitually in the Holy Spirit, responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh of human nature without God.”
Here is my version:
Hey Girls, let’s make it a habit to Live Up! in the Holy Spirit, being influenced, controlled and guided by the Spirit life within us. If we do this, we will no longer live down in ourselves, or live to fulfill the flesh appetites, desires or human nature without God.
( now back to the Amplified Version)
“For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the the Holy Spirit,a nd the desires of the Spirit are opposed to the flesh, godless, human nature. Now the doings of the flesh are….
- Strife (discord, conflict, struggle, contention)
Some people are inclined to conflict and contending attitudes. It is what they are used to, so it comes natural. We need to pay attention to the truth that this inclination towards creating strife, or drama, is NOT walking in God’s Spirit of peace, love, long suffering, etc…. It is the opposite of the freedom we could experience in relationships. Does this mean that all conflict is wrong? No. There are times when we must discuss situations. But, conversation does not have to rise to the level of conflict. When a conflicting spirit is present, it then becomes the flesh and not the Spirit. We usually struggle with people when we are too focused on our selves.
- Jealousy( resentful or bitter rivalry, envy, suspicion)
We all know what it means to be jealous. Women are expert at being inwardly bitter towards other women. Women resent women who have more, are more gifted, are more attractive, have better things, more talented children….it goes on and on. It is NEVER the Spirit of God causing us to look at another person with jealous eyes. It is ALWAYS the flesh.
- Anger ( ill temper)
Some women have trouble showing their anger, turning it inward instead. These women often become depressed. Others are too free with their anger and have become accustomed to throwing fits, thinking this is normal. It is not. Whenever we are harboring anger…in fit throwing fashion, or inward stirring….we are in the flesh. Give your anger towards someone to God, he cares about it and YOU!
- Selfishness ( concerned only with oneself, only concerned with what I feel, self centered)
Drumroll goes to Selfishness. We all know it, how to live in it, and learned it from the time we were toddlers, screaming for what we wanted. Time to grow up into big girls who realize that others do exist in this world 🙂
- Quit demanding your way, instead think of others.
- Practice thinking of others, asking how they are, focusing on them.
- Intentionally put yourself aside a few times a day, to get in the habit of putting others front and center.
What do you need to pay attention to today?
Today’s Prayer
Father, teach me to Live Up! in your Spirit. Help me to recognize my flesh patterns and help me to give them to you. May I put myself aside long enough to hear you and pay attention to you. Following you is “paying attention” to you and what your word says. I want to Follow!
Some great reminders and new-to-me-(at-least-today)-Truths. I am struck with how many of the points Debbie makes are true of me. I’ll forgive her for using “Hey girls” in her paraphrase, but the post rings true to me! Thanks for writing this!