Have you ever been with a group of friends whose conversation is wrapped around other people and the the things they are doing that the group is disapproving of? It is ridiculous how catty we can be as women, isn’t it?
Often we call this concern... or say it is simply wanting to pray for someone. God sees our heart and knows if it is a true desire to pray or a catty judgment towards someone who does things differently than we do.
We suppose we are “right” and others are “wrong”. Shouldn’t that amount of pride concern us about ourselves?
People do things differently than we do. And, believe it or not, different people have different convictions about things. If we waste our time being concerned about the minors, we will be wasting precious time that could have been spent in accepting, loving and have relationship with others. Paul was addressing a people who were nit-picking every little thing in other people. Judging those who did not have enough faith in God to be free to eat all things, and assuming that their weak faith made them wrong. Paul teaches that we are not to be concerned with this, but to be concerned instead with our own areas of weakness, focusing instead on how we are standing before God. When we keep focused on others, we are wasting time! There is a better way.
Here is the deal…each person answers to God, period.
You answer to God, I answer to God, the last person you passed judgment on answers to God. And, if this be so…why oh why do we waste time and energy being unaccepting of other people? Get over it and turn that energy on the things you must answer to God for yourself.
Today’s Truth: Romans 14: 1-4
“Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man’s faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. Who are you to judge someone Else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.”
You and I are God’s servants. He is our maker and our master. We live unto Him. When we are unloving and unaccepting of others we must answer to the God who loves that person. When we are weak, it is to God we personally are accountable to, and it is God who has the power to turn our weakness into strength.
So what does it matter is someone does things differently than you do? They answer to God…leave it alone. You and I have a need to concentrate daily on standing before the Lord ourselves. Let’s put our energy there, quit judging or nosing down others, and live in the reality that we are God’s servants and answer to Him.
Today’s Prayer
Help me Lord each time I am tempted to put someone down in thought, speech or action. Remind me today that I stand before you in everything I do. Take me, my weaknesses, and my life once again, and shape me for your purposes.
Opps, How often I just ignore my thought life and not calling it SIN…but as I am learning to put on the royal clothing instead of my Halogen or Caslon, I am encouraged that the log is getting smaller each time the HS reminds me to think on things that are lovely and pure! Life Long process it is!