I am going to keep this short today. I don’t want to glorify the flesh, it’s nature or a life based on it’s influence. But I do want to say it is alive and will always want to do what is contrary to the Spirit of God. Our human flesh influences us, fueling us with old habits and patterns that we have learned over a life time. This habits and patterns and philosophies are some of what Paul spoke of in Romans when he told us not to be conformed any longer to the patterns of this world.
You many not relate to the entire listing of acts of the flesh out of Galatians 5. Truth is, you might see yourself as a good woman, a good church-going woman. And, yes, you may go to church…so do I. But, even though I go to church I can live in my flesh just as well as anyone! We must be aware.
So today is Flesh Awareness Day. It is not a holiday or anything to celebrate.
I am declaring it that so that we begin looking at the things that we habitually live in that are keeping us from God’s Best.
Today’s Truth: Galatians 5:19
The acts of the sinful nature are:
- Sexual immorality ( sex outside of God’s design, sexual perversion, pornography)
- impurity (life lived from more than one source or style, mixed with another substance, divided)
- debauchery (to lead away from virtue and corrupt)
- idolatry (worship of idols, adoration for things other than God)
- witchcraft ( the use of magical powers, demonic influences)
- hatred (hostility or intense dislike , deep seated antagonism)
- discord (lack of harmony, lack of good will)
- jealousy ( resentful or bitter rivalry, wanting what another has, intolerant of the person with an intolerance that springs from bitterness)
- fits of rage ( acting out in anger)
- selfish ambition (only caring what is “in it” for you)
- dissensions (discord, separation arising from difference of opinion)
- factions ( divisions of people)
- envy (discontented desire for someone Else’s privileges or possessions)
- drunkenness ( drinking too much)
- orgies ( sexual parties, multiple partners)
Some times seeing them in a list…helps out.
It would do us all good to pay attention to this list. We usually discount it. But, how are we going to “spot check” ourselves for the flesh if we are not aware of how the flesh begins presenting itself. Some of the things you may not relate to at all, but….some of them you might live in regularly and just haven’t been away.
A closer look at some of the common areas that might effect the general population of women…another day. For today. Be aware.
Today’s Prayer
Lord, in order for me to walk in you and in your spirit, I must understand how the flesh, or human nature presents itself in my daily life. In awareness I must then learn how to say “no” to old habits and yield to your spirit life within me. Teach me Jesus how to walk in you this way.
Living down…not so great! the picture on June3rd says a lot about how we might look to God when we are spinning.