Funny how you don’t realize the importance of your little finger until you cut it so badly that it hurts with every bend and every flinch. That is what happened t me last weekend. As I was preparing for my step-daughter’s graduation party I was rushing around and when I pushed down the outside trash a sudden stab of pain let me know that I had been cut pretty badly. A lid from a metal can sliced right through my finger. I thought the bleeding would never stop, but it did. My husband and I bandaged it up tightly and off to the graduation we went.
All through the ceremony it throbbed. For days it has hurt to bend it or brush anything up against it. And, even today as I type, I am aware of every move to that little joint and that pinky finger. Without the full use of the finger I have been unable to type freely, move about freely, or complete my routine tasks.
And, this is how it is with us too. The Bible uses the example of the parallel between the physical body having many parts to illustrate that the body of Christ is the same…many members, many parts, but one body. The important thing to realize is that just like my pinky finger is important in the routine things of life, every person is important to the proper health and functioning of the body of Christ. Perhaps this is why we saw yesterday that Paul told us NOT to think too highly of ourselves. Truth is, we are all equal in importance in God’s economy, God’s plan and God’s kingdom.
Today’s Truth: Romans 12: 4-8
“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”
- We have different gifts: Quit comparing yourself with others
- Each gifting is God’s grace exhibited in a life for God’s use: rejoice in other’s accomplishments and abilities, in doing so you are rejoicing in the grace of God.
- Whatever your gift is, do it wholeheartedly: quit waiting for the “right” time, serve Jesus with the grace given to you today.
- Do all things cheerfully: celebrate the grace of God given to you for His purposes. Quit stressing over serving perfectly, just serve and experience God in the process
What are your gifts? According to Scripture, you have a gift or two. Don’t think for a moment that you were left out of the gift or purpose pook, because you were NOT. Everyone is given the grace of God to serve. Everyone. But, just a we read these verses we look back at the few that preceeded these and see that we must surrender all of ourselves, body, mind, and lifestyle to Jesus and to the Spirit. We must take back from the world and it’s force, what God has put within us. Today I encourage you to check your surrender mode. Where are you at in surrender today. The more we surrender, the more grace is evident in our lives.
Today’s Prayer
Thank you for the grace given your people. You made us one body and tell us to serve but never leave us alone to do it on our own. You gifted us, equipped us, and made us your people for your purposes. Help us to see what you have called us to do, and help us to do it unto you with a cheerful heart. Surrender and service, make it the prayer and cry of our heart.
Amen. So, so true! We can do nothing apart from the body and when one part hurts, we all hurt too. thanks for a focused reminder!
love you and miss you! My parents are here for a visit and we’re having fun!
I love the way god uses EVERYTHING Debbie………Your sliced pinky for a whole devotion on the “Body Of Christ” He is the Great Recycler!!! And we think recycling is something WE invented! We are a funny people
Such encouragement! It reminds me of another encouraging word I heard from Brian Hardin of Daily Audio Bible. He reminded us that when we are called to serve: “Don’t worry about having the equipment. YOU are the equipment!” So true when we think about the gifts God has given each of us and how they are not to lay dormant inside of us, but exercised in faith and meant to pour out. When we step out in faith and offer those gifts to bless others, we become all the more confident in the Gift Giver! Debbie, thank you for your wonderful ministry! You bless me with your gifts!
I am going to use today’s blog and the Romans verse to challenge myself to practice what you wrote yesterday about building myself up in Truth. Normally my flesh would respond that I am more of an extra appendage than a real part of the body. I guess I will start by surrendering that thought.