Yesterday we looked at the truth that it is pleasing to God to offer the whole of us, our bodies, our physical selves, the part of us that is heart, soul, strength and mind…to God. This IS what pleases God and is considered worship.
Worship? I thought worship was singing a hymn or a chorus. I thought worship was verbal praise. Worship? Yes, according to Scripture a spiritual act of worship is surrender of our selves, the REAL selves, body, soul, spirit, to the God who made us. This includes how we treat our physical body, the lifestyle we choose to live in, the things that we allow access to our heart, and the very practical place of our minds.
Today’s Truth: Romans 12:2-3
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Let’s take a look at a few key words here:
- Conform: To become similar in form or character. To act or be in compliance with.
- Pattern: a model to use for imitation of, in the purpose of making things.
- Transformed: To change to nature, function or condition of
- Renewing: To make new again or to restore
Unpacking for Practical Meaning:
According to Scripture I am NOT to become similar in character or form to the model that I see in this world. Instead, it is God’s plan for me to be changed from a person who is patterned after the world, society or culture…to a person who is made new and restored mentally.
Why do you think it has to take place first and foremost in the mind?
Our minds are the control center of our lives. What we think eventually becomes a belief, and we all live by what we believe, not by what we say we believe. If you are running around in fear or doubt, it could be that you do not believe the very Truth that God is God over your very life. There are many other examples, but for the most part, we have been affected by the world we live in.
We have learned to think like the world we live in, plan like the world we live in, find value in what the world values, and act like the world portrays acceptable human behavior. In other words, we all have learned from a young age how to conform to the standards or patterns of the world we live in.
That is where the words ANY LONGER come in. It is true that we have already become accustomed to this kind of reasoning and lifestyle…but we are not to do it one second longer! Do not conform ANY LONGER.
Today ask yourself what your REAL values are. I am not talking about the spiritually correct answer for real values, but what they really are. Examine your own heart and mind to determine if your values are in line with the World you live in, or if they are moving more towards being undivided and in sync with what God values.
One thing is for sure. ..God allows UTURNS, and today you may need to make a major turn in order to have all that God has for you.
Back to the Mind…how is it renewed?
Our minds are changed by the Truth of God’s Word. God’s word is living and active, having the power to set us free and change us from the inside out.
Today think on these things:
” Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes form the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4
“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrated even to the dividing of soul and spirit; joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Heb 4:12
“How can a young woman keep her way pure? By living according to your word.” Psa 119:9
Today’s Prayer:
Father, speak to me about my lifestyle. Show me where I conform to this world, and yes Jesus, renew me, restore me, and turn me around to face you…face to face, heart to heart, YOURS and only YOURS.
Either you have read the last 2 books I have read “Living Sacrifice and Crazy Love” or our amazing Lord is keeping this whole theme pressed up against my mind. WOW everywhere I turn it’s about Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. How faithful our Lord is to not let us forget. Great post – I may steal it for my blog if you don’t mind. Don’t worry I’ll get you the props ;0)
live a great day of Faith Debbie and remember
keep chasing righteousness!!!