Many people are wondering what “WILD” is all about. I admit it sounds a bit crazy and that I too did not resonate with the wild theme at first either. But, the “theme” and idea did not happen as a brainstorm for a new book series, it came as a direct call to my heart from God. He wanted me to be wild for Him…which simply stated means..sold out, surrendered, courageous and outrageous!
Over the past 2 years wild has come to mean the “different choice” in my personal life. Today’s truth will take us to a WILD idea that is certainly not our idea but is indeed God’s.
Today’s Truth: Romans 12:14. 17
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Do not repay anyone evil for evil.”
This is not telling us to bless those who bless us…that would be easy. But, it is telling us to Bless those who hurt us! Ouch! Crazy! Yes, Wild!
Key words:
- Bless: to confer well being upon, to call for divine favor upon, to honor as holy.
- Persecute:to harass in a way that causes suffering, to oppress
- Curse: something that brings or causes harm
- Evil: bad, wicked, injurious, suffering, harm
Here we go….We are to pray for ( call divine favor upon) those who cause us suffering. We are to look at them as people God love ( honor as holy). We are to do this rather than repaying them with something that will bring them harm. When people do bad things to us, we are NOT to do bad things back.
Simple? No!
Truth is, we know that this instruction is in the Bible, but we take it as a suggestion rather than an instruction. We don’t usually align ourselves up with this truth but instead line our self up with our feelings of hurt and injustice. Would it be wild to actually commit ourselves to living out this instruction? Remember that instruction is not for our punishment but for our good. Scripture is leading us and guiding us in truth.
Too often believers in Jesus Christ are believers in head experience but not followers in life experience. This verse hits us where the rubber meets the road of life. This is testing, proving ground.
Girlfriends…let’s become wild in our surrender and obedience. There is a different path for us to walk in. It takes intentional surrender, obedience, and sacrifice. The result is blessing beyond this temporal world. It is a blessing of the soul that permeates all of us.
What’s a girl to do? Next time someone is snotty, mean, causes you harm. Pray for them, thank God that He knows them and loves them, ask God to work in them, and pray that He will provide for them whatever it is they need. And, in dealing with them be kind, considerate and refuse to hit back, strike back with your tongue, or do anything that will be causing evil.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I need your help to live out your truth.
( Check out ” A Different Kind of Wild, is your faith too tame?…newly released book that is all about doing the different thing, as a woman in life-long development in Christ)
Debbie, Thank you for the encouragement and reminder to love and pray for those who do us wrong. For many years now, my husband’s ex wife continues to make important decisions concerning my two step children, without consulting or informing us, even though they share joint custody. By the grace of God, I have always had a good relationship with her, but only because I give it ALLLLL to Him and pray for strength. I’ve even been able to pray for her at times. Thanks again for leading me to the truth! Lisa (The Other 8two8 lady’s friend in Florida)