Sometimes the hard stuff seems like it will go on forever, doesn’t it? When you are in the middle of it, nothing makes any sense. We can learn much from the story of Joseph in Genesis. I have taken some of this from a teaching by Bob Cull, Things I learned from the life of
Joseph. That teaching has helped me more than words can say.
Today’s Truth:
The story is in Genesis chapters 37-50. We will
re-cap the applicable content for our purpose today:
- The story opens with Joseph at 17 tending sheep with his brothers.
- Joseph was the baby, so his father loved him more
- He even had a richly ornate robe, that the other brothers didn’t have
- When the brothers saw that the father loved him more…they were upset, and didn’t speak to him.
- He had gifts and he had dreams…they became even more jealous
- His brothers plotted to kill him
- One brother, Reuben…didn’t want to kill him, and talked the others out of it
- Instead, stripped, thrown into an empty cistern…then decided to sell Joseph for 20 shekels.
- They dipped his robe in goats blood and took it back to his father.
- Joseph appeared to be dead, attacked by a wild animal.
The plot thickens:
In the meantime…Joseph was sold again, to Potiphar one of the Pharaoh’s officials in Egypt.
“The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. When his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant.” Gen 39:2
Now Joseph was in charge of the household and everything he owned.
But Joseph was great looking…a hunk, or hot…whatever you want to call it.
And his master’s wife came after him…he did not fall for it, this made her angry. A Woman Scorned, so she plotted to get back at him…and Joseph ended up thrown into prison!
“But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him, he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there. The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” Gen 39:20-23
While in jail, Joseph met up with the Pharaoh’s officials who were in jail at the same time. Joseph interpreted their dreams, and they were impressed with how he could do that. They ended up forgetting about him, but 2 years later the Pharaoh needed someone to interpret his dream…the officials were reminded of this Joseph they met in jail, so the Pharaoh sent for him.
Joseph was quickly taken out of the dungeon/jail…cleaned up, new clothes… And found favor in Pharaoh eyes. The Pharaoh ended up putting Joseph in charge of Egypt. All the people were subject to Joseph’s orders!
God had a plan for Joseph’s life
God’s plan was to make him ruler of Egypt.
God’s plan looked different than ours would!
God’s plan included some hard stuff!
This is what ruler of Egypt school looked like: (from Bob Cull)
Step 1: Use your gifts, get mocked, and ridiculed by your family
Step 2: Obey your father, get beat up by your brothers
Step 3: Get sold into slavery, spend 13 years as a slave
Step 4: Resist temptation, go to jail
Step 5: Use your gifts, spend an extra two years in jail
Step 6: Become the Ruler of Egypt
Here are some key points about living in the meantime:
- God is not in a hurry…we are…and He is not on our timetable
- Everything is about a grander, “Kingdom Calendar” if you will. The bigger picture. I can remember trying to have children. I had a plan/ God was not complying with my plan.
- Just because circumstances do not look like they make sense doesn’t mean there isn’t a plan in place.
Today’s Prayer
Father, even when things make no sense, you are in control…help me believe.
Even when things are not fair, you are there with me…help me believe.
When you have a plan, you will accomplish it…help me believe.
quote of the day:
God’s plan looked different than ours would!
God’s plan included some hard stuff!
Yes and Amen, ain’t that the truth!