This week we will be looking at the power of God at work in our ordinary lives. This thought encourages me and gives me hope that my life really is not about ME but about God’s plan in and through me. And, that HIS plan is accomplished by HIS POWER not my own strength!
How many times have you felt inadequate? Or how many times have you questioned your self when being led by God to obey Him? Has this feeling caused you to shrink back from the things you have felt God was leading you to do? God’s gentle nudges are often over something as small as sending a card and can move into the larger territory of saying “YES” to starting a ministry. From the smallest daily things, to the larger public things, one thing is for sure…God’s plan is to lead us, equip us and empower us.
How can we know this?
Today’s Truth: John 15:16, 2 Cor. 5:20 Ephesians 2:10
“I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last.”
“We are Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.”
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
- You are chosen by God
- He has appointed you to bear fruit
- It is His will that your fruit will come from His power, thus being lasting fruit.
- You are His ambassador
- His plan is to make himself known in this world through your life
- You are his work, his poem, his masterpiece.
- You have been born again and created in Christ Jesus for His work
- He has planned already the good work that he desires you to walk in
An ambassador is by definition, a diplomat of the highest rank, or a representative is residence to another. I think it is exciting to think that God has called me and created me to be His Representative. But, as his representative, I must always keep in mind that as his ambassador or representative, I am not to go out in my own steam and represent myself, but rather I am to walk under authority to Him in this world as HIS representative, His ambassador, His woman.
The first part of any directional shift is the laying of the foundation. Today think of these three verses and let them wash over you with God given identity and direction…so that the foundation will be newly poured in your mind. Dare to begin to walk this truth of being appointed by God out in your everyday, average, ordinary life. We do this by daring to listen for His gentle nudges throughout the day. Acknowledge before Him that you are His, and as such, want to hear from him regarding today’s assignment.
This week we will build Biblically upon this foundation with truth about how the power of God, and His power alone, equips us and make us able to do those things He has planned for us during our life. For today, thank Him for Your Position as His Workmanship, His Appointed One, and His Ambassador. Dare to believe that this God given identity is true about you. Ask God to take the truth from head words, into a heart truth that is life changing.
Let Truth Fill You today and give you a purpose and position to stand in!
Today’s Prayer:
Lord, I do not understand why you would choose me, or how you can use me. But, I do come now in agreement with your Word and thank you that it is your plan to use my life as your representative in this world you have placed me in. Do in me what you have planned Jesus. And, may each day there be less of me and more of thee, present in my life.
This post gave me a hot flash…wonder what it means! I shall follow closely this week! Love you!