By now the fact is established…life can be hard. There you have it. But, remember what Paul said in Philippians chapter 1 ? His statement proclaimed PURPOSE in the middle of hard stuff.
Today’s Truth: Phil 1: 19,
“What has happened will turn out for my deliverance”
Deliverance? What is that exactly?
To set free, to liberate, to send to an intended goal or target, to give birth to.
What in your life today needs new life, new birth, freedom? Jesus will use your hard stuff places to bring you to a greater place of freedom while delivering you from the SELF life.
Every believer has tests, trials, or hard times ( 1 Peter 1:6-9)
God is with us in every test ( Daniel 3:15-18, 25)
God is in control ( Job 1:12)
God has our good as the purpose in each test ( Gen 50:19-20)
In the end, God will use every test, trial, pain and hard place in life to deliver us from SELF. There is no other way to get to experience God on this level, than to have to learn to trust Him in a test.
As for me, I have found myself to be a hard nut to crack. Often tests are repeated over and over before I “get” that I must really submit to God in it, to learn whatever He is trying to teach me. Not sure why I am so stubborn, but maybe you can relate. However, I hope if you relate, you will also relate to our need of a Deliverer. Jesus came to be all that we need in this life…through storm, trial, hard times and even in the good times. He is everything we need.
In Exodus 3:14, he proclaims to be Everything we need when he says He is “I AM”.
- He is everything you will ever need Him to be for fulfillment and purpose
- He is everything you will ever need to be conformed into His image
- He is everything you will ever need to have confidence and peace
- He is everything you will ever need to live productively in this life
- He is everything you will ever need to be delivered from all the things that hold you down and keep you from all that you could be in Christ.
After speaking at a retreat a few years ago, one of the women bought me a gift at a local antique store. It is an antique plaque with prose from long ago. But what is written on that plaque sits in my house and reminds me of the truth that God is with Me, even in the hard times. Enjoy!
Trudge Along
When trials are greatest, and all goes wrong
Just buckle your armor, and trudge along.
The way that is weary , dark and cold,
May lead to shelter, within the fold.
These trials were meant to make you strong;
So buckle your armor and trudge along.
I will admit that I never wanted to get strong, thought it was over-rated. I just wanted to be happy and blessed. But, truth is, now I know that strength within is a precious thing. No one can take it from you, and once God has established it in you, it is something that can help you stand in this life…even when life is hard!
Today’s Prayer
Lord, help me to remember to buckly the armor and stay the course. You are working in the hard stuff, because all my stuff is in your control. You are making me strong, so I receive from you now…even in the things I would rather not experience. In each and every THING, you Jesus, are my deliverer.
Thanks Debbie, Just exactly what I needed this morning!!!! I over did it yesterday and didn’t realize that it would affect my whole being so much. Trudge on was about all I could do . I usually hit the day in wonderful and exciting experience , realizing that I have this day in God’s care and so thankful that I’m ready to burst with happiness, but not today. The word TRUDGE was my word for the day. I think God is trying to convince me that I’m not in my thirties and forties any more!! One nice thing to know that God know how to Trudge along side of me. How I love Him!! There is always tommorrow to get back on track!!!