Whether we realize it or not, all of us “frame” our lives and our daily circumstances. This is often something done unconciously, but done just the same. Framing is what we do when we wrap a value, thought, or opinion around the things happening to us. Framing creates the “view” in which we look at life. And, it is the “framing” of our circumstances that affects us the most.
If we put a negative frame around something, it will bring us down. If, on the other hand, we put a beautiful frame around our circumstance, we will view it in that beautiful border. Scripture talks about framing, though it is not called “framing” in God’s Word, rather it is spoken of as our mental view, thought patterns, and the very way we think on things…which can either be spiritual or earthly.
The apostle Paul put a “heaven focused frame” around his life. This frame enabled him to Look Up and have faith. The frame he chose enabled him to press on for each day, forgetting the past and it’s failures and details.
Today’s Truth: Philippians 1:19,21
“Yes, I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance. I eagerly expect and hope that I will in now way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage….For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Unpacking Truth
- Something happened to Paul. He was once again in prison.
- He could have been down in the dumps with a broken, crusty frame around his mental perspective.
- Instead, He framed his circumstance with the Truth that God is always working in His live to continue to deliver him from himself!
- He put a spirit-focused frame around his circumstance and it gave him hope.
- This hope-frame enabled him to rejoice in the middle of a “less than perfect” day.
- This hope-frame enabled him to live in courage and to proclaim that His live was hidden in Christ’s life.
What about you?
What is happening in your life right now that needs a Biblically-Focused framing around it? What, in your circumstance, could God possibly be trying to do, “in you”, that will result in more deliverance from yourself, your way of doing things, and the pull of this world? How can you put a hope-filled frame around your circumstance of today?
Today’s Prayer
Father, in life I am constantly faced with things that are uncomfortable and sometimes painful. I don’t like them. Pain makes me want to run for cover, and often brings me down. But, Lord….I want to learn to put the frame of your sovreignty over my life and daily world, around my life circumstances. I want to live within a hope filled frame, so that, I might have a focus that is UP, UP, UP! Work in my Lord Jesus, teach me how.
Hooray, you are back on the blog – how I have missed you!
My frame is embedded with diamonds and rubies laid in refined silver. If you look closely, you can see a long chain of script lettering that encircles the frame and reads, “All things, all things, all things.” When I focus on the frame and not the photo, it makes my sunset pictures and my mud puddle pictures all appear surprisingly beautiful. The mundane becomes holy. The tragic because the necessary. The Valley of Baca becomes the Door of Hope. I love my frame, my Father made it for me because He loves me.
Hi Debbie,
I was just at the Women’s conference this last weekend.
Just wanted to thank-you so very much for letting the Lord use you in a mighty way in my life! I came to the conference with a heavy heart and left feeling encouraged and with hope from the Lord. I was able to even share some of your testimony with my morman in-laws at a family birthday party yesterday afternoon…praise the lord!
Thank-you again!!!!! Love the blog.. I am definately gonna check in daily 🙂 Love you sister in christ!!! Julez 🙂