Isn’t it funny how we sometimes think we have life all dialed in? And, just when we think we understand, something happens, and we realize that we didn’t have it dialed in at all! None of us ever arrive. For those that are perfectionist, achievers by nature, this might be a hard fact. For those that feel they are always in the back of the line of life, this is good news.
Either way, it’s true. God is always working, developing, and changing us. Each day He is at work in our lives. We can not see him, and usually can’t hear or feel him, but He is at work.
The Apostle Paul prayed for the believers in Ephesus. He asked God to change them, fill them, help them to see and know God better. Simplicity.
Do you ever wonder why we make knowing God seem so hard?
It’s not that hard, girls. The “hard lie” keeps us at arm’s length from the God who wants to pull us into Truth and the Life of the Spirit each day.
Today, pray the same prayer that Paul prayed thousands of years ago. Ask God for the following:
- wisdom
- understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit.
- mental clarity
- To know God better
We are not in a race against anyone else. Our walk with God is personal, and we are to approach it as such every day. Today is a new day. Pray the prayer, trust God to work in you…You are on the life path of being conformed into the image of God. Yahoo! Shout Out! Jesus is Real! He is Faithful! His Spirit Lives in You!
Today’s Truth:
Ephesians 1:17-18 NIrV
“I keep asking him to give you the wisdom and understanding that come from the Holy Spirit. I want you to know God better. I also pray that your mind might see more clearly. Then you will know the hope God has chosen you to receive.”
Today’s Prayer:
Lord, I want to know you better. I want to see you more clearly. I want to have hope that surpasses my circumstances. Jesus I am asking now for wisdom and understanding that only can come from your Holy Spirit. Fill me with YOU today.
love it!