Life happens. Some days are good and some bad. Today was a weird one for me. I had to face a medical truth that I didn’t want to face. Yuk! At first I was fine, trusting, peaceful, etc. But, after leaving the medical center the truth of the condition sank in. My mind began to race and my emotions began to scream within me…NO! I don’t want this! I don’t want to have anything wrong with me! I don’t want to take old lady pills! I don’t want to make adjustments. I like my salt, sugar and fat, who doesn’t? I want yesterday back….and so it goes.
It is when Life Happens, disappointing us, that we usually loose focus, get under the problem, and find ourselves in a FUNK. Today let’s look at the last two letters of that word FUNK : The “N” and the “K”.
- F: Focus Problem, Feelings Prevail
- U: Under the Circumstances, Under the condidtions
- N: Needy, Whiny, and Discouraged
- K: Keep the Fire of the Funk Burning
It’s not enough to re-direct our focus and affirm to our minds and hearts that we are overcomers. Those two things are very important, but don’t stop there. When in a FUNK it’s important to look at how whiny and needy you have become while under the problem. Also note that constant complaining will only serve to keep the fire of the funk tended to and burning brightly. It’s time to put out the fire’s flame…don’t fan it…put it out!
How? Turn your attitude around! Anyone can whine, can’t they? But it takes a different kind of woman who wants to live a different kind of life …to turn whining around into thankfulness instead.
Look for the good. Thank God for anything that might be good. If your situation is not good, then thank God that HE IS. Learning to live up! will change your life.
As I think about this I have decided to start a gratefulness journal today. It will be a special one for the season I am in. It will be to praise God and to remind me to thank God each day as I am going through a change in my life. It will remind me to be in touch with life, love, hope and spiritual health.
- It will help me live above and over the medical diagnosis.
- It will train me to set my heart and mind on things above
- It will set up an ambush against the enemy
- It will enable me to live differently than I would if I just went along my funky way!
Todays Truth: 2 Chronicles 20:17-18 NIrV
“Take your positions. Stand firm. You will see how I will save you…do not be afraid, do not lose hope. God out and face them tomorrow. I will be with you. Jehosphaphat bowed down with his face toward the ground. All of the people of Judah and Jerusalem also bowed down. They worshiped the Lord.”
What is the battle you face today?
How has life hit you in a way that makes you want to crawl under the problem and hide there?
You don’t have to hide and neither do I. We can go out and face the day, face our battles, and face our disappointments. How? Just like King Jehosphaphat did….bowed down before the Lord, taking our positions, and standing firm. The Lord will save us. The Lord is for us. We do not have to live in a Funk! We do not have to live UNDER the problem! We do not have to whine! We do not have to keep the funk going any longer.
Come out Girlfriend…bow your heart before God, begin praising Him because He is good!
Today’s Prayer
Lord, you are the Lord of freedom, of life, and of liberty…not the Lord of the funk. Help us to learn how to recognize it when it’s coming, guard against it when we are tempted to slip in one, and stand firm in our positions as ones loved by you!
Yes! I love the thought… when the situation is not good, thank God that He is!! It is truly a choice, and one worth making. The question then to me is, “Do I trust God? Do I really believe that He is for me and nothing can get in the way of His love for me?” There is great hope in knowing that God’s love for me transcends my situation.
Right on!!!! My favorite phrase the last few years. WE WILL JUST TAKE EACH DAY AS IT COMES AND REMIND OURSELVES DAILY OF ALL THE WONDERFUL GLORIUS THINGS GOD GIVES TO US DAILY. I’m the old lady taking the old lady pills, but not too many. Way too much medications go on in many lives! Inside I have such joy and happiness and have had for 58 years. I’ve never gotten over the man God brought into my life and the complete happiness we have had together. When people guess my age as 60 I just reply that all the joy in my heart has kept me feeling about 40 inside. I love being a Christian. The Lord is so near and dear and has proved Himself over and over to me for these last 58 years. We’ve had ups and downs with our kids but the Lord has given us peace to yield them to Him for He loves them even more than we do. Hope to see you in July when we come out to California for my 80th birthday .
Hi Debbie! I am grateful to God for you and your wisdom. Thank you for being a solid goldly mentor to me and SO many others! Turning any FUNK into being Funk-i-fied! Love you!