We all have them from time to time, and though they might be called a variety of things, I think we all can relate to finding ourselves in a FUNK! And, once there, it’s hard, sometimes seeming impossible, to pull ourselves out. But, like anything, part of the solution is in understanding what the problem really is.
Being I am a FUNK expert, or a recovering Funk Master ( doesn’t that sound impressive…) I will try to break-down the anatomy of a FUNK for you. It is my prayer that this will help you when you are in one, but more importantly, keep you from falling prey to one when everything is tempting you to that FUNKY place.
Today’s Truth: from Ephesians 3, The Message, 2 Cor 2:14 NIV, from 1 John 4, The Message
“I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit, not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength, that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And, I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.”
“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. ”
“There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life, fear of death, fear of judgment, is one not yet fully formed in love.”
The definition of Funk:
- 1. cowering fear
- 2. a dejected mood
The definition of Funky:
- 1. overcome with great fear, terrified
- 2. having a bad smell
The funk has much to do with fear. Here is my own acrostic of FUNK.
F…Focus Problem, Feelings Prevail
U…Under the circumstances, under the conditions, under the weather.
K…Keeping the Fire of the Funk Burning by tending to it, keeping it alive.
The funk starts with a focus problem. This is also where it all starts, so today, we will just look at this one part of the funk.
Focus: What our gaze is directed at, what our attention is fixed to.
If a funk is a pit of fear and a dejected mood, then it makes sense that it begins in our mind and originates from what we are focusing on. When focused on the negative or the fear inducing elements of life, we begin to go under in our fearful state. Soon we become stuck there. Fear has many faces. It’s not just fear of the evil boogie man, but fear of:
finances, health, future, being invisible, not finding life purpose, not pleasing the people we love, not being enough, not being loved, not being taken care of, getting old without purpose, not counting, etc…and if you are a mother, add another layer of possible fear when any of these fears are attached to your child or children.
Whenever we are focused on “US” and FEAR over our life, we will undoubtedly end up in a FUNK if we allow ourselves to stay fixed there for too long. And, again, if a wife or mother…..being focused of yourself, includes now being focused on your kids or spouse which are a part of you.
According to today’s verses, this is what God’s will is for us. And, girlfriends…it’s His Will does not add up to FUNK!
- Strengthened by His Spirit
- Gaining Glorious Inner Strength
- As you Invite Him In, Yielded to His Authority
- Planting Both Feet Firmly On His Love
- Living a Full Life from this Position
- God always leads us in a procession of triumph
- He spreads the fragrance of His beauty and love through us
- There is no room for fear, for living in fear will cripple this full life
- When we are in a FUNK, and stay there, the fragrance is not of life, but of fear and death.
Let’s start with the first part of the FUNK…regaining our focus on God.
Today think of what you have been stewing in or focused on. If it is not God, and his goodness or faithfulness towards you, then turn it around NOW. Sure, you might have troubles right now, so do I, but we must hold on to God’s promise of faithfulness in the middle of each day’s trouble.
What IF your troubles today were forming inner strength in you for tomorrow. Remember, you are being led in a procession of triumph in Christ, right now, troubles and all.
- Start today by thanking God that He is with you and He is leading you.
- Next, thank Him that He is producing inner strength in you.
- Finally, ask Him to plant your feet firmly on the belief that He wants what is best for you, is your heavenly father and loves you, and that He will never leave you…even in trouble.
Tommorrow: Under the Circumstance, part 2 of getting out of the Funk.
Today’s Prayer
Lord, I come to you being so weak when it comes to emotions, fears and feelings. I thank you that you understand me, but I ask you now according to what your word says, to strengthen me in that inner place that needs to be a foundational positioning on your love for me. In this firm place, may my life reference your faithfulness and love and be filled with faith rather than smell of the funk.
Thanks for your words of encouragement on this Funky kind of Monday morning. I love the definition – smelly, because that’s me when I’m in a Funk!