The Words of Christ are crisp, clear, but often hard to swallow. The disciples walked, talked and ate with Jesus. They were face to face, elbow to elbow, and knew him in a way that makes sense. They were in a daily relationship. He was their master and friend. He taught them about the kingdom of God and taught them how to live. They then had a choice. Would them pick up their cross ( self-life) and follow? Or, would they live like the unbelieving people all around them.
We often don’t realize that we choose between the two things each day too. While we live our life, walking and talking, eating and working, we have the choice to pick up our cross and follow too. And, if we don’t follow, we live like the unbelieving people around us. As it is, we are not better than other people because we believe, but we are called to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives, and without following there will be no fulfillment of His will.
Relationships are part of our daily lives. Interesting that Jesus taught early on about relationship. How his disciples treated others was of utmost important to Christ. Most likely because it was one of the commandments of old, “Love the Lord you God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself” This fulfilled the law of the prophets. And, Jesus was intent on teaching the disciples how to do this, what it looked like, thus giving them a choice to choose between their own way, or pick up their cross, thus crucifying their self-life and follow His way.
Today we have the same choice.
Today’s Truth: Luke 6:27-28
“But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
Whoa! Seriously Lord?
- An enemy is: a hostile force or power, or one who has harmed you, or who seeks to harm you.
- Someone who hates you is: one who has deep seated dislike for you, seeks to do you harm, or delights in your ill will.
- Those who curse you: are those who say unkind, untruthful, or inappropriate things about you.
- Those who mistreat you: are simply those who are unkind to you.
Obedience for us as disciples of Christ involves more than attending the next church event or making a meal for someone who is sick! Obedience strikes at the core of who we are because to obey Christ in our daily relationships is challenge enough to send most of us off the deep end! But, this is what Jesus tells us is His Way of the Cross…
- Love
- Do Good
- Bless
- Pray
We should memorize these four things! And, don’t fool yourself by only applying this to the people you love and are all cozy with…No, challenge yourself to dare to live differently by applying this list to your enemies, those who curse you, mistreat you and hate you. And challenge yourself to live this way to those who just bug the heck out of you!
Now, Go out and follow Jesus today! Walk out His words, learn to live up in the power of Truth, imagine yourself in relationship with the same Jesus who walked and talked with the early followers. Listen to his words and Obey his way.
More tommorrow on listening and obeying….
It’s a Good Day to Follow After Jesus
Today’s Prayer
Lord, It’s clearer and clearer to me that your way is not my way, is foreign to me, and is not possible if I am not connected to you. Help me to think about these truths today and speak to me as I let the magnitude of what you were trying to teach the disciples be my lesson in the here and now. Lord, change me. I want more of Jesus and daily less of me.
Debbie, thank you for bringing Jesus into my day today. The weekend retreat has really sparked the light of Jesus in me and reading your daily devotionals is icing on the cake 🙂
wow. This real Jesus stuff is surely not of this world! What a radical concept and what a Holy Spirit sized order! “Fill me Lord Jesus, I could never do this on my own!”
WOW!!!! Yes Lord, bring me back to YOU in a way that is as so marvelously unexplainable as it was when I was first saved!! I want to be ON FIRE for you just like I was then…I want to be reminded in a powerful way that my way IS NOT always YOUR WAY!! Give me the discernment to understand the wisdom between them…AMEN!! 🙂