This week we have been looking at the FUNK.
What IF you find yourself in a FUNK?
We all can relate to this discouraging state and it would be good to be clear about how we get there, and how we can get out.
We have already talked about the main thing in Funk is the “F” which stands for Focus ( see previous posts from this week).
A funk can not start unless we have a focus problem, period. I realize that we like to blame our funk on someone else or on our circumstances. But, the truth is, no one can put you into a funk. A funk happens when you lose perspective by losing focus. As Christians this focus problem is when we take our eyes off of Jesus and the Faithful God He is, and choose to muddle in our problems and how bad things feel, or seem to appear. In this place we do not have our eyes and attention fixed on Jesus, let’s be clear…we have our eyes and attention fixed on self.
Now let’s look at the next thing in FUNK, the “U”.
The “U” stands for UNDER. Under the circumstances, under the condition of my problem, under the weather. When living under the problem of the day, you and I will find ourselves crushed from the weight of the circumstance. With eyes already off of our Faithful God, we then move into the place of living under the problem and the weight of the emotion associated with it. This often results in anxieties of all kinds.
Do you really think it is God’s best for you and I to live UNDER things?
Now don’t get me wrong, we will go THROUGH things in this life, but do you think we are to be UNDER them?
Today’s Truth John 16:33, Romans 12:21, 1 John 5:4…all NIrV
“I have told you these things, so that you can have peace because of me. In this world you will have trouble. But cheer up! I have won the battle over the world.”
“Don’t let evil overcome you. Overcome evil by doing good.”
“Everyone who is a child of God has won the battle over the world. Our faith has won the battle for us.”
We can live under…it’s been done before, it’s nothing new. Take a look at what the Psalmist said about that: Psalm 39:10
“Remove the scourge from me; I am overcome by the blow of your hand.”
The Amplified Version says,” I am consumed with the conflict….”
We all know how to be consumed with the conflict, don’t we? When our eyes our only on our SELF, and we become consumed with the conflict, we begin to live under it, rather than being an over comer through faith in Christ.
Today think about your current conflict. It might be small. But think about what you are doing with it. What is your stance in it? Are your eyes on Jesus and your faith in Him? Or are you all about what you “feel” in the middle of the situation, and allowing the conflict to consume you?
Again, you can not blame the FUNK on anyone else. You are agreeing to be there by staying in your SELF, and refusing to learn to live as an over comer. I realize this is hard to swallow. It’s hard for me to swallow too.
Just this week I have found out that I have potentially serious heath issue at hand. I can live under the fear of it, or I can keep my eyes on Jesus. I admit that in this situation living under the fear of it will get you more attention and sympathy. But I don’t want sympathy, I want Jesus. I want to live above the circumstance, stay out of the funk, and keep my eyes on Jesus the author of my life and the finisher of my faith. If I choose to be in a funky place, that is my choice.
But it will not be a good choice.
What will you choose?
God gives us many opportunities to “practice” walking out our faith and establishing our beliefs through our circumstances. Today is another opportunity for that for you and for me. I choose today to be positive, to walk in faith that God Knows Me and Loves Me and that I am in His Hand.
- Will you join me in the walk of faith?
- Will you join me in believing that God is involved with our daily lives?
- Will you join me in learning to live OVER our circumstances to the GLORY of God?
Today’s Prayer
Father, I put my trust in you. I look to you. I fix my attention on your providence of: love, care, support, strength, healing, and everything else I need in this life. You shower me with compassion and you sympathazie with my weakness. I look to you for this care and trust that in YOU I can rise above the daily circumstances of life as they come my way.
I want Jesus too!