I had a fitful sleep. I woke a few times trying to catch my breath, thought I was dreaming. Who knows? Maybe I was. But, I have a new addition to growing up and it’s asthma. It’s been fine for about 2 months now, but the new addition to my world decided to visit last night and this morning. You just don’t know how great it is to breathe until you can’t. It’s not much fun waking up on a Saturday morning with a change in plans because you just can’t breathe!
We take things for granted…like breathing.
Today’s Question: What if…we took a breath and remembered where that breath came from?
Today’s Verse
Acts 17:25,28
“He himself gives to all life and breath and all things…For in Him we live and move and exist.” NAS
Processing the Verse
- He Gives Us Life
- He Gives us Our Breath
- He Gives us All things
- I live because of Him
- I move because of Him
- I exist because of Him
- Period.
Processing the Question...What if..I took a breath and remembered where it came from.
I go about life not thinking of the reality that I am held together because of the God who created me. I move about, my little world, feeling strong and in control of my little life, until I can’t move, can’t breathe, or can’t seem to get something together. It’s time to wake up each morning to being thankful for things like: Breathing and Moving About.
Today’s Prayer
Lord, I am thankful for things like my inhaler and medicines that open up airways. But, I am sorry that I get going so quickly through life that I forget who gives me all of life, including the ability to breathe. I thank you today for holding me together, giving me life, giving me breath, and everything else. I exist in you, because of you, and for you. I never want to forget that. So, it’s Saturday….what did you have in mind for our day?
You continue to inspire and encourage me with your daily blog and I look forward to reading it each morning. Thank You!
He is the air I breathe and I’m so grateful to be filled with His sweet breath today!
Thanks for always being so encouraging Terry!
What if I took a breath and remembered where it came from…inspired words. They caused me to ponder and think for more than a second or two. Beautiful.
I feel led to share, I used to attend Cornerstone from 95′ thru 2000. It was where I rededicated my life to Christ, where my husband gave his heart to the Lord and where we still visit when we are in town. I’ve even made the long drive in to a couple of Christmas events. We moved to the Sacramento area in 2000 after my mom died. My husband and I were married by Pastor Mark.
I’ve watched how the Lord has poured out and blessed Cornerstone over the years. Though I no longer am a regular, I still listen to Pastor Steve from time to time (usually while cleaning the house!) and my best friend still attends there, Celia Bonino.
You should know too that your first book was the very first Bible study that I led, years ago when I moved here. I have even bought your tapes and given them to family and sisters in the Lord.
Be blessed today Debbie. God is using your gifts and your church in amazing ways.
Joanne Kraft
Cameron Park, CA