What if? is a familiar question that gets raised in our minds when worry or concern starts to form a groove into our thinking. What if my child gets sick? What if my teen gets pregnant? What if there is a car crash? What about cancer? What if my husband dies? What if I lose my job? What if I can’t pay my bills? What if…What if…What if….
After spending 5 hours in the emergency room a few days ago for extremely high hypertension ( a new item on my list of life experiences), and a follow up with the Dr. yesterday, there is one big What IF? moving about my brain. And, I am learning to beat it down with truth. Like that “whack a mole” game at an arcade…the worry is the mole, and I am hitting it down as it keeps popping it’s head up!
I began medication and a two week period of nothing strenuous, in the hopes that the pressure that runs through my vascular system will go down. But, as I wait, I am a candidate for things like… stroke. I took care of my own mother after a stroke, so the thought of even a possibility of this, sends me up a wall, or hitting down that MOLE! Don’t you just love to go through stuff like this? FUN! ….NOT!
Once again I am challenged to BELIEVE God is with me and that He Loves Me enough to take care of me no matter what happens in the end result. But, my mind has been wavering and wandering in the land of “What IF?”
Finally this morning I woke up with such an amazing attitude of peace and joy, that came after going to bed with chest pains ( anxiety) and more than my share of worry creeping in. I went to bed telling myself that I was “HIS”. I kept saying quietly over and over ” Thank You Jesus that I am Yours” and when I finally got too tired to speak it, I was thinking it over and over again, Thank You Jesus that I am Yours”
This single word of truth… “HIS” …rearranged my brain and my attitude, even as I slept!
I woke up this morning with this thought ” Well if the worst were to happen, God is with me, He loves me and I am His…and that is enough for me.” I couldn’t believe my own brain! I almost leaped out of bed, except I am not supposed to leap for 2 weeks until I see the Dr. again! And, now my heart leaps with a solid trust in what God’s word says about my position…as HIS.
Nothing can take away our position as Deeply Loved Daughter of the King of Kings. Nothing.
Today’s Truth: Ephesians 4:30, Psalm 100:3, Romans 8:35,37-39, 1 Corinthians 13:7
“Remember, He has identified you as His own” NLT
“We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.”
“Who shall separate us from the Love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us fromt he love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
“Love always protects.”
Processing Truth:
Here’s the deal, I am going through something and maybe you are too. But, no matter what, no matter how it looks, and no matter how bad things get in this life, through it all, God is still with us. We are His own, and like a Shepherd over the little lambs, He takes care of us. Nothing…translated as…NO THING….will be able to separate us from this amazing love, that is a protective love. Does this mean that we are exempt from life’s hardships because of this love? No! It does mean that we can trust, walk in faith, and even have joy, because through it all He is with us. And, if the worst were to happen? He’s with us still!
Tell yourself the Truth:
I am His. He protects Me. Nothing can separate me from Him!
Now go out and have a faith day!
Today’s Prayer
Father, I thank you for the truth that you are with me and nothing can separate me from your care. I trust you with yet, ANOTHER, medical thing. In this I am thanking you that I will leave the worst or the best outcome up to you completely. I am YOURS! Oh my heart rejoices, leaps and spins with this truth again today. Thank you for taking the very real fear of yesterday and transforming it with Love!
Keep leaping in joy little lamb!
Remember the tender care that He takes with those who are ill or injured. We pledge our love to our husbands “in sickness and in health.” We can pledge the same with complete assurance to the Lover of our souls!
Love you and praying for you!
It never ceases to amaze me that God has so many of us on the same learning path via different situations. God has been pounding me with His sufficiency in every situation – no matter what comes – and what has come my way is a hell I can’t even imagine continuing to live in – but He is ENOUGH each day. His love is enough, His mercy is enough, His grace is enough and none of it is conditional on how well I perform.
Thanks for the reminder to take my thoughts captive in order to renew my spirit.
I will pray that you will be able to enjoy your “down” time – that it will be a time of drawing ever closer to the God of all comfort.