Yesterday I asked, ” What if the worst happened?” And, concluded that even though I don’t want the worst to ever happen, IF IT DOES, even the worst thing can not separate me from the love of God. ( Romans 8:37) The truth gives me comfort, because the Love of God…God Himself…is patient, kind, self-less, protective, forbearing, forgiving…and always wants the best for the objects of His love. ( 1 Cor 13) I am the object of His love, and so are you!
Today I am wondering the opposite,What IF the best happened?
Sounds crazy doesn’t it? Naturally we all want the best and want to be blessed. But, it is a good question. Because if I am to live as a pilgrim and stranger in this world, what do I do when the best happens? Certainly God has said in His word that He blesses His people, increases His people, and ushers His people into their promise land. So, how am I to live, react and respond, in the good times. Especially if others are not experiencing the same “good” that I might be experiencing.
Today’s Truth: Psalm 62:10
“Though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.”
What I am hearing here is loud and clear. Though I can enjoy blessing, and can thank God for the gift of what He gives. I am not to set my heart on the blessing itself but I am to keep my heart centered on God…the giver of all good gifts.
So here’s the deal…when we are hurting it’s natural to run to God. We need him, we are vulnerable and want His strength and help. But in good times we feel strong, like a winner, like nothing can stop us now. And, it is in those times of blessing that it is easiest to forget about God and begin to turn towards trusting self, things, achievement, position or possessions. Our focus can be diverted to people and our hearts become divided.
The best thing we can do is to get into the practice of setting our heart on God, and His love for us as His own…every single day. Then when the day of blessing comes, and it will, we will be fixed, firm and unchanging women of faith. Thankful in the worst of times and in the best of times, alike. Nothing can snatch us out of our Father’s hand, and this is how I want to live…in His hand…good times or bad times…in His hand.
Live today with your heart in His Hand!
Today’s Prayer
In the first blush of blessing I remember you. But, as I get accustomed to things that are good I tend to get sidetracked, selfish and forgetful of the fact that all things come from you. I want to develop a habit that is solid and steadfast in focus. I want an undivided heart. Show me the things that keep me splintered and fragmented in faith and lead me to change.
“Live today with your heart in His Hand,” I love that thought.
Imagining that He holds us like that brings that indescribable peace. Thanks for the encouragement, Debbie… ready to start the day now! love, mary