Yesterday’s question was, “What if I actually commit my way to the Lord?”
All day, as I processed the question and the verse taken out of Proverbs 16, I kept thinking of the word “actually”. I certainly can talk a good talk about commitment, but when I actually do it, something changes. I like to stick with a THEME for a few days, giving TRUTH a chance to penetrate my thinking and have its work in me. So today let’s take the same verse and look at the words, “whatever you do”.
Today’s Truth : Proverbs 16:3
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”
Processing the truth:
- Does this verse say, “In the important things you do?”
- Or does it say, ” In ministry areas you serve?”
Or perhaps, ” when your world is caving in?” - No, it says in WHATEVER you DO, Commit to the Lord.
Do we commit whatever we do to the Lord? A good question because many of us go on our merry way without doing the elementary things that would make a huge difference in our lives. God has gifted each of us, and equipped us to “do things” that are part of his plan. From the smallest thing to the largest challenge, Whatever We Do, when committed to the Lord will be fruitful, and be empowered.
Several years ago I felt God was leading me to write a bible study for the ladies in my church. I had never written anything. I didn’t know the first thing about how to start it or go about doing it. It was back in the days when not many studies were circulating the market, so in many ways I didn’t even have much of a guideline. I hadn’t a clue.
But because God kept placing this in my mind, I stopped everything one night, went into a room and asked Him to write through me. I anointed my own head with oil, and my computer keyboard. That night ended up being a fruitful experience, and God did cause what I set my hands to do for Him that night to succeed. Without me ever planning on it to turn out this way, that act of committing my work to the Lord on that night ended up becoming a published bible study. But that was not my plan, I just wanted God to “do it” and actually stopped to ask Him to.
I learned a valuable lesson in that experience, but even valuable lessons can be overlooked and forgotten. I must now remind myself to commit to the Lord, whatever I do.
How about you? Have you stopped and asked Him to do something through you? Or do something in you? Or give you the strength you need to accomplish whatever you do?
Make no mistake, Our God is not a Genie in a bottle. He is a MIGHTY God who created us to depend on Him. Most of us have learned to DEPEND on self and it will take a reversal of habit to retrain ourselves to look to Him, seek His counsel, depend on Him…with WHATEVER WE DO!
Today’s Prayer
Lord, you created me to depend on you. You want me to understand that in everything you will be my supply, my strength, my ability, my all. I often forget and forge ahead on my own, asking you to sprinkle blessing on me. Forgive me. First things first, may I come to practice coming to you each day, and many times in that day committing whatever I do, unto you. Then I will see your glory in the practical things, and experience you moving in and through me in the smallest things as well as the bigger things.
Hey Debbie!
I love your devotionals. When I first read this one I said the word “whatever”, just like a young sassy teenager might say it, you know what I mean… with the attitude and the head kinda moving side to side with what….ever… and the rrrrrr at the end all lingering and such. So I tried saying that sassy whatever tone with the scripture and am happy to say, I couldn’t do it. Honestly, Gods Word is so powerful that I wasn’t even able to sort of do it. And why do I tell you this???? Don’t know… just cuz I tell you most everything! 🙂
All day I have been saying to myself ” whatever I do …whatever I do….whatever I do….” and self-checking to see if I am actively committing things to Him. It’s been amazing to be aware of how I usually don’t unless it’s a big, important, or worrisome thing. But so encouraging to realize that this new habit of commitment can be learned.