Criticize Others???…
We all do it, don’t we? We don’t easily admit it, do we?
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. ” Dale Carnegie
A critical spirit can keep us more stuck in ourselves than we care to admit and than we dare to realize. When filling our thoughts and conversations with the negative, there is not room for the positive.
Most of our criticism of others is rooted in things we want to change in them, and changing others is not where we are to spend our energy. Energy spent on trying to change others is wasted, because what others do or choose to do is NOT OUR BUSINESS.
Why do we make everyone else’s stuff our business? Think about that.
Criticism is NOT the way of Agape and not the way to follow after Christ.
Today’s Truth:
“Love (God’s Love/ Agape) does not keep track of other people’s wrongs.”1 Cor 13:5 NIrV
“Don’t criticize” Matthew 7:1 Phillips
” Do not judge others. Then you will not be judged.” Matthew 7:1
“Let us no longer criticize one another” Romans 14:13
“Mind your own business” 1 Thes 4:11
Most women are critical. It is a habit we develop as little girls and carry with us into adulthood. We would like to think that most of it is innocent…but since it comes from our hearts and reflects our hearts…it’s far from innocent. Criticism becomes such a habit that we do it without thinking. Sadly, when we become critical women we are a sad reflection of the women God has called us to be as His. We spend so much time nit-picking others that we can not see the things in our own lives that God is wanting us to surrender to Him for change. We cast stones at others when we have no right to cast stones. We cover our personal ugliness by focusing on others faults…in conversation, sarcasm, jokes, and flippant remarks that we assume don’t count.
This week I am going to personally be looking at criticism, as a habit in my own life. I invite you to journey with me. For today, digest the verses here and pray about them. God’s word is our owner’s manual. We do not belong to ourselves, but we belong to the God who made us and calls us His own. He has given us His word to teach us how to live.
- Ask Him this week to speak to you regarding any critical spirit that you may have.
- As people come to your mind today, confess them by name to God and ask Him to forgive you for being so hard on them and so critical.
- Next, ask Him to help you line up to the Truth of His word, by the power of His Spirit alive and at work within you.
- Finally, Pray for a fresh filling of God’s presence, love, power and Spirit. For without him we can do nothing, but with God all things are possible.
Today’s Prayer
Heavenly Father. I need your help. I want my heart to be pure. I want to live as your treasured possession, one who knows you call her by name. I want to follow you, but in many areas I am still so filled with self. I don’t want to make excuses for things you are displeased with. I want to take personal responsibility for these areas of my life and habits of my flesh that don’t honor you, hurt your heart, and potentially hurt others.