Yesterday Kim sent me a quote from Oswald Chambers on the subject:
“Criticism serves to make me harsh and cruel, and leaves me with the soothing and flattering idea that I am somehow superior to others.”
And, her own quote:
“Search my heart, Lord and through you allow me to see others as You see them.”
Thanks Kim ( whoever you are in blogger land 🙂 ) for responding and leaving us these quotes!
OK Girls, it’s hard to get off this subject. Why? Because I am getting so darn convicted. And, some of you have given me your feedback too. One of my friends just called me and said, ” So what if I’m Critical? I know I’m critical” She went on to tell me her mind races with critical thoughts of others, even strangers, all day long. And….drum roll….this is a very NICE person. My heart has been GASPING the past few days as I have been meditating on verses and passages on this subject.
Ah yes…and Jesus knows we are critical. And He knows how we excuse this critical side of us, as no big deal…human nature…everyone is critical…etc…. In His love it is His will to soften us, change us, convict us of sin…where and when it is necessary. Criticism is not a very pretty outfit for us to wear anymore. He has the power to dress us in our royal robes, but we will have to give him our critics rags!
How about committing to God, for today, a FAST from criticism and faultfinding?
Critical thoughts, like a bad habit, will come into your mind. When they do…stop and recognize that you are being critical, ask God to change you, and move on. In addition to this, when you feel like saying something critical…STOP. Use this day to try and think of anything GOOD about every person and situation you are critical of. At the end of the day reflect on how it went and allow God to speak to you about this subject.
One woman who did this FAST, realized by the end of the day that her critical spirit was rooted in wanting to change people to do things her way. When they didn’t do things the way she would, she was critical. God showed her that she was overstepping her boundaries and that other’s actions were not her responsibility, and also showed her how prideful she was to think that her way was the right way. She was reminded of 1 Thes 4:11, ” Mind your own business.” God was clearing instructing her to mind her own business and spend less time criticizing others.
Today’s Truth 2 Cor 10:5
“Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”
captive: hold it as a prisoner, do not let it have free reign anymore.
Don’t beat yourself up for critical or destructive thoughts, instead ask the Holy Spirit to capture them and stop them from having free reign in you. Some relentless critical thoughts might need a sharp rebuke, as Jesus responded to Peter when he spoke words that reflected the enemy’s minset rather than God’s. ” Get behind me, Satan.” ( Mk. 8:33)
As I launch out on this day, being aware of critical thoughts, spirit, intent, or critical conversations, it is my prayer that God will make me more aware of how much I need Him to fill me, that I might live with a heart attitude that can shine his love, compassion, grace, and acceptance of other imperfect people, like myself. I also am very aware that God will undoubtedly speak to me about how prideful and ugly it is to think that my way is the right way…and other people’s way is wrong.
Today’s Prayer
Father, It has become clear to me that criticism serves as a buffer for my own inadequacies. When I am focused on others failings I don’t look as readily at my own. Lord forgive me. Father, you have only required that I look at my own heart, my own actions, my own attitudes. Today I committ this to you once again, as I desire to FAST from all things critical.