My first experience with a GPS system was in my friend’s car. Initially it was fun to listen for the directions but after awhile it got annoying to keep hearing the voice of the little GPS lady.
Occasionally we doubted some of her directions and decided to just go our own way. But, that little GPS lady outsmarted us and just recalculated our trip. Somehow we kept winding up on the right path. In the end we made it to our destination.
On the way home my friend showed me another feature…it’s called, suspend guidance. When we were tired of the little GPS lady and quite sure where we were headed, we just had to choose the suspend guidance control and she would be put to rest.
Today’s Question: What if listened to my internal GPS? God’s Planning System?
What if God acted as a GPS system with in us? In many ways I think he probably does. Yesterday we looked at acknowledging Him in all our ways and our paths being made straight as a result. Today take a look at that internal planning system that leads us, guides us, and yes speaks to us about where to go, which direction to turn, and which path to take.
Today’s Truth: Deuteronomy 5:32-33
“Be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left. Walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land you possess.”
Processing Truth
- Careful: cautious in thought, word and action
- Do: To perform, to accomplish, to carry out
I am to pay attention, listen, be cautious…. to carry out what God has commanded. And, it goes on to indicate that he speaks to us, telling us which way to turn…even down to the direction! That sounds a little GPSish to me!
Do not suspend guidance! When you do, you will not prosper in what He has called you to do.
Today’s Prayer
Lord, I am often careless instead of careful about carrying out what you have told me to do. Sometimes I am not even aware of this carelessness. Jesus be my heart navigation and lead me and guide me. I’m listening, speak to me.
I love your analogy of a car’s GPS system to God acting like a GPS system within us. I feel so secure when I’m driving somewhere and I have my GPS system on – I know my possibilities of being lost are very slim. However, believe it or not I still make some wrong turns, and the cute GPS lady comes back immediately redirecting my route. It’s a comforting thought knowing that God, my internal GPS, “will lead me, guide me, and yes speak to me about where to go, which direction to turn, and which path to take.” And whenever I make a wrong turn, my internal GPS, just like my car’s GPS is always ready to redirect me. My Internal GPS, unlike my car’s GPS, places special people into my life who inspire and encourage me to continue down that right path. Debbie, you are one of those special people. Thank You!