"Greater is he that is in me, than he that in in the world." 1 John 4:4 When you are serious about heart change, sometimes God works fast. I had just finished yesterday's blog post, and was thinking about what Scripture says about stone throwing, overcoming evil with good, discovering the beauty ... READ the POST
Just say "NO" to criticism, and lay down that stone!
What IF I put the stones down?
You might know the story. It's familiar, but it's always good to be reminded again...and then...again. Jesus was in the temple courts teaching. People gathered around him, and the Pharisees tried to trick him in front of the crowd. Now before we actually get to "today's truth" keep in mind that the ... READ the POST
What if I quit being critical of others? day 3 !!!
Yesterday Kim sent me a quote from Oswald Chambers on the subject: "Criticism serves to make me harsh and cruel, and leaves me with the soothing and flattering idea that I am somehow superior to others." And, her own quote: "Search my heart, Lord and through you allow me to see others as You ... READ the POST
What IF I quit being critical of others? day 2
Whoa yesterday was an eye opener! As I set my mind to pay attention to any critical thought, attitude or comment, I quickly realized how deeply rooted criticism has become. It's an ugly thing. Funny though that we as women say one thing, and mean another. For instance, have you ever told someone ... READ the POST
What IF I quit being critical of others?
Criticize Others???... We all do it, don't we? We don't easily admit it, do we? "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. " Dale Carnegie A critical spirit can keep us more stuck in ourselves than we care to admit ... READ the POST
What IF "the best" happened?
Yesterday I asked, " What if the worst happened?" And, concluded that even though I don't want the worst to ever happen, IF IT DOES, even the worst thing can not separate me from the love of God. ( Romans 8:37) The truth gives me comfort, because the Love of God...God Himself...is patient, kind, ... READ the POST
What IF the worst happened?
What if? is a familiar question that gets raised in our minds when worry or concern starts to form a groove into our thinking. What if my child gets sick? What if my teen gets pregnant? What if there is a car crash? What about cancer? What if my husband dies? What if I lose my job? What if I can't ... READ the POST
What IF I could learn to be less self-seeking?
There is one constant problem in life. I wish I could say it was something other than it is, but the truth is...much of the time, my problem is "ME." I really want my own way. I want to be appreciated, approved of and accepted. And, it doesn't end there. I want to do what I want to do, when I want ... READ the POST
What If I decided to follow the WAY OF LOVE today?
Following people is easy. Following the crowd even easier. We have learned to follow people since we were children...on the playground, in the classroom, in style, fashion, and in the latest trends. We have learned to follow what's popular, which is usually found in what the crowd says "is in". ... READ the POST