In order for us to have an undivided heart or single purpose, we will have to choose to “see” the things that God is showing us that must be set aside or taken out. This housecleaning or heart cleaning, is an important step in surrendering all of ourselves to God.
Beth Moore says:
We would rather God just fix our messes. We don’t want to get into the reasons why. But God wants us to know why we continue being oppressed, so that the next time we’re in the same situation, we’ll make different choices. ( from Breaking Free)
Sometimes I don’t want to “see” the things God is showing me about myself. My inner insecurity puts up a wall to try to protect any good feelings I might have going on. But, I have learned that I must get to a place before God where He can tell me or show me anything without it offending me….sounds silly doesn’t it? God offending us? But, if our relationship with Christ, is a relationship, we might at times get upset, offended, or in disagreement with something that is being said or done. We are not robots and so we question, don’t we? Our daily goal is to come into agreement with Christ and His will and word for us. And second to that is a goal to disagree with the thief of our souls whose single purpose is to destroy all good in our lives.
The most important things we need to understand in relationship with Christ are these:
- He loves us deeply and unconditionally
- He wants the BEST LIFE for us and is always working in our lives, even when it’s hard
- He will never leave us or forsake us
- He is developing us constantly, we are in his process of regeneration
The most important things we need to understand about our enemy/thief are these:
- He does not love us, but masquerades as a lover
- He does not want the best life for us, and is always trying to trip us up
- He doesn’t care about our welfare, just wants to hold onto us for his own kingdoms victory
- He is constantly trying to destroy, steal, kill…any good thing in our lives.
Jesus said
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd.” John 10:10
Today’s Prayer
Father, I am in relationship with you. You are not a far away God. Help me remember that. And, in this relationship you want to be my good shepherd, you want to lead me to what is best for me. Help me to listen. Teach me to listen and not be afraid of what you are showing me. And, help me to pay attention to when the thief tries to rob from me what you are showing me for my good. Lord, I long for an undivided, single purposed heart and life.
that thief graphic cracks me up…Look, it’s Satan trying to steal away my peace and joy! Hand it over buddy, Jesus bought that for ME! 🙂
His, Lorri