What are you modeling to your children, co-workers, and those around you?
Without trying we model our values. This is a good time to look at how we, as Christians, are handling the change in our country and government.
People are either happy…ecstatic is more like it. Or, people are afraid, negative and discouraged.
Where do you fall in the line up?
Democrat? Republican?
Today is a new day for America. It doesn’t matter what your political preference is at this point. What does matter is who you belong to…. God does not ask us if we are a Democrat or a Republican, he wants to know…are you a Christian? If you answered yes to belonging to Jesus Christ, then it is a new day to pay attention to what Scripture says about how to respond to the new reign in our government.
1Timothy 2:1-3
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone–for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior.”
Paul wrote this to Timothy whom he was mentoring at the time. When he gave this instruction Nero was the ruler. Nero was notoriously cruel and persecution was a growing threat for believers. And yet, in light of this, he told Timothy to make thanksgiving and offer up prayer for all those in authority. This attitude is proof in our faith that God is all-knowing and all-powerful. This lack of stress, negative energy and the like, is proof that we trust God and not man. This praying for those in authority, no matter who they may be, is proof that we are trusting God to work through the authorities and rulers that be in our government.
A negative attitude will only be proof that we don’t believe in God’s power and sovereignty. Remember, God is big, and He loves all mankind. Don’t allow yourself to become a casualty of a political sludge pile of negativity, criticism or arguments with others. Pray for your president, and support him. This is the will of God for us.
Father we lift up to you President Obama. We ask you to give him wisdom to guide our country. We pray for protection, peace and intercede for him today. We pray for all new elected officials and thank you God that we can trust in your hand as we come to you in intercession for our government. We also thank you that it is in we find peace. Make us instruments of peace, support, and a model of a people who intercede for our rulers as your word says pleases you.
I’m honoring today on my blog too!