From the time we are young we are curious about three things:
1. Who am I?
2. Why am I ?
3. Where am I going?
And, as we grow to be women most of us are still wondering Who am I? Why am I here, What is my purpose? and Where am I going in the future? (“What will I be when I grow up?”)We can graduate with degrees, be successful in our field of employment, and have babies who need us…but still, if we don’t know at CORE level who we are and why we are, we will remain forever lost in the pursuit or search for significance, which seems to keep us lost in SELF.
Colossians 1:16
“Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him”
You and I are not the result of two love or lust struck parents. Though God’s re-creation plan involves people…the creation itself happens as a result of the miracle of God. So, at your very beginning you are a miracle of creation, and your life continues to be a miracle of God…as you breathe each day and your heart keeps beating…all because it is God’s plan for you to be one of the people on the planet…For Such A Time As This. You are not random. You are part of a bigger story and a bigger plan.
This bigger plan reality is the first step in laying the foundation for Who You Are.
In the beginning of this GRAND STORY, God created many animals and all kinds of creatures. And, after the animal planet was formed, God said “Let us make man in our likeness.” The story goes on…
“So God created man in his own likeness. He created him in the likeness of God. He created them as male and female. He said to them have children and increase in numbers…God saw everything he had made. And it was very good.” Genesis 1:27,28,31
First and foremost, God creates human life, and says, it is very good. People, you and me, are his plan. He didn’t create us as a random after thought, but created people to inhabit the earth, work the earth, and have relationship with God. But, almost from the very beginning, people….first woman and first man….had the rebellion of wanting to do things their own way, and not listen to God’s instructions. So, from the very beginning, people like you and me, were insistant that they knew a better way…
If we got our start in Him…and if we get our breath and life from him….shouldn’t we learn to listen to him and find our purpose in him?
Today sit with the elementary truth of creation. Think of a bigger story than one you wrote, or your parents wrote. Realize that you are part of the story of 2009. Thank God that He created you, and that He sees his work as a good thing. Ask Him to begin showing you how to connect with the beauty, miracle and truth of your life as part of God’s plan.
Ask God to help you with the three questions:
Who, Why and Where?
And, let the TRUTH be your answer:
“Everything (that means me) got started in him( that means God) and finds its purpose( that means fulfillment) in him.”
Be filled with the Truth that you are a miracle of divine proportions! Breathe in and thank God for breath. Stop and feel your heart beating and thank God that you are ticking away because his purpose isn’t over for you quite yet…there is more story…go out today and live it!
May we stand firm, at our core, in the truth that we find all we need in you because you created us and you plan to fulfill a purpose, unique to us, through us. Help us to see the daily miracle of life, not in a hospital nursery, but in the reflection of our own face…young or old, in the mirror. Use us according to the bigger story and shape us according to the God-sized picture!
I am in awe of how you can write specifically to my heart! I just put down the first day’s devotion in the chapter on pain from “He is my Freedom” and said a prayer of thanksgiving for you… and now, I open my computer and The Spirit continues to pour into my heart. Thank you Debbie for following the call of Christ on your life. You have comforted me today as Christ has comforted you.