Webster’s Dictionary Defines it as:
- A place or house of worship.
- A place dedicated for a special purpose.
Temple is not just a building but what Scripture uses to describe our earthly bodies.
Our body is a temple where the holy spirit dwells.
Our body, and our life lived through this earthly vessel is a place dedicated for a special purpose.
Have you thought of your life as an embodiment of worship?
How about a vessel, body, or person dedicated for a special purpose?
Something that is used for a holy special purpose must be prepared or sanctified.
“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified” 1 Thessalonians 4:3
- to make holy or sacred
- to make free from sin
- to purify
Everything else is secondary. He will guide us in our career choices, and the other real-life decisions that we must make, but His primary concern isn’t if we are a dentist, hair stylist, teacher or sales person. For Him it is character before career and maturity before ministry. The aim is to be set-apart for his use no matter where we find ourselves, and no matter what life brings our way. The blood of Christ purifies us, frees us from our self and our sin, and makes the common woman sacred…holy…sanctified… set apart.
Everything that really matters can be summed up with: “Christ in you the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27
Again today tell yourself the truth that Christ is in you, you do not belong to yourself, you are to be set apart for His purposes, dedicated to Christ Jesus above all else.
What does that look like in your world?
Refiner’s fire
My hearts one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart unto You, Lord
I choose to be holy
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will.
(Brian Doerksen Mercy/Vineyard Music)
Today’s Prayer
Lord, Life seems to be a constant back and forth struggle as I grow up in you. One day up the next down. Help me to stay connected to the truth that you live in me and want me to be set apart so that wherever I am you can do your will through me.
did you write this just for me? Because it’s perfect! Thank you! Love, Lorri