Click on the link below for a free download of Sherri Youngward’s song PEACE.
Let it wash over your mind and heart this Christmas.
Merry! Merry!
Celebrate His Peace…
The greatest gift every given was not presented in a dazzling cathedral with exquisite stained glass, nor was it opened on a flashy stage with booming music and all the media bells and whistles. Rather, the greatest gift ever given came during the dark of the night, under the stars of the Bethlehem skies, in a plain field, with ordinary animals milling about. The greatest gift ever given came through the miracle of God’s Holy Spirit overshadowing a young teenage girl, filling her with himself, and doing the impossible.
How could this be? Because with God nothing is impossible.
And, this God, this baby, this gift was to be called Immanuel which means, God with Us.
This baby who grew to be the boy Jesus and the man who changed the world forever, came in a most un-ordinary way, because he is an extraordinary God.
And, He shall be called….
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Christmas Prayer
Father, May we never forget you, never cease to live for you, and always be ready to please you with all that we are and all that we have. We give you our lives as a gift. Amen
Merry Christmas!
I have just listened to that song several times and God’s timing was so perfect for me to “run across this” just now. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (even though you posted it almost a year ago – God had me in mind, I’m sure.)