Two More Days of our 30 day Truth Dare.
Jesus promised that when we know the truth,
the truth will set us free.He also declared that He was the truth.
Knowing Jesus, through the Truth of God’s Word, is the answer to the crippling emotional pain we often live in. In this 30 day truth dare, we have been challenging ourselves to believe something different than what comes natural. We are challenged to believe something Good…and in this crazy world we live in….This Truth is WILD because it does not conform to what is socially, culturally or politically correct! It is truth of a different kingdom.
Challenge your Thoughts….
Today we will meditate on a very specific, seemingly simplistic verse that has powerful ramifications if we would internalize it and believe it is true.
This verse involves our self-concept.
Self-concept is the impression you have of yourself.
Some of us have a self-concept that needs to be challenged because it does not line up with Scripture at all. A self-loathing, negative self-concept keeps us locked in self focus. The challenge is to see ourselves as Christ sees us. Yes, we are sinners. Yes, we can be weak. Yes, our own understanding, at best is HUMAN. Yes, apart from his gifting and power we can do nothing of eternal consequence or value.
But….there is another Yes and that is what we will focus on today.
- Yes! You are God’s Masterpiece
- Yes! He has created you for plans beyond yourself
- Yes! He has equipped you for those plans
- Yes! His love for you is real and when embraced can change you and everyone in your path.
Praise Prayer/ Psalm 138:8
The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever…
do not abandon the works of your hands.
Truth Dare
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
“We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
The Challenge
The Story of the Circus Elephant
When these elephants are still little and weak, they are chained to iron stakes in the ground, which prevent them from breaking free and running away. This allows the circus trainers to keep them close, work with them, and prepare them for their routines. What’s strange is that even after the little elephants grow into huge, powerful animals capable of lifting a ton or more with their trunks, they remain restricted by those same miniature stakes in the ground. Even when they are more than strong enough to yank the stake out of the ground and roam free, they don’t do it. They don’t even try. They remain limited by the old boundaries. Sometimes we demonstrate this type of helplessness as well. We focus on the little stake ( or mistake, failure, or negative belief about our self or our life) from our past and forget that, with God’s help, we have the power to release whatever has been holding us back.
- Identify the belief that is holding you back from believing your are God’s masterpiece.
- Challenge that thought by marinating on the truth of Ephesians 2:10.
- Thank God for Psalm 138:8 that says you are the work of his hands.
Friend…I dare you to believe the truth about yourself, and about your life.
And, I am daring myself to believe it too!
Daily Prayer
Lord, it’s so hard to untangle all the junk that roams free in my mind. Sometimes my thoughts are all tied up in knots. Please untangle them, and me. Free me to believe the truth. Teach me to challenge the negative things that try to take up residency in my mind. Remind me that all bitterness, all negativity, all the stuff that I project on circumstance, really comes from within. Help me to realize that I can be joyful, positive and productive even if circumstances stink. You have created me for your good works. This is truth, this is life, and this is freedom. Take my thoughts and transform me by renewing what I believe more each day.
Amen to that Life Changing Truth! God has no garbage cans!
Happy Thanksgiving to the Alsdorf’s with love from the Steers!