A reader sent me an email asking me an important question. She wondered, IF God made her, and everything about her, the good, bad and ugly…what about the things she does that keep offending other people? She was concerned about a personality trait that seems abrasive to others. She is not wanting to be abrasive, and is getting weary of coming back to the same apologies over and over.
What’s a Girl to do?
Yes. God made us. He knows that we are flesh. But, He doesn’t leave us to live in the flesh, we are instructed to learn to walk in the Spirit.
Remember the fishermen? If they followed, Jesus said the outcome of their lives would be different. They always put their nets out for “just fish” but now they would use their abilities to fish, and be fishers of men, which was much more significant.
Could you imagine them saying to Jesus, ” We will follow you for a walk along the shore, but don’t mess with us, because we don’t want to fish for men, we like fishing for fish, that is what is normal to us. We are comfortable Jesus, so don’t mess with our ways. Oh, Follow you? OK, as long as you don’t change our comfort zone, or as long as you don’t change the “me” that I know and love…” If God called them out of their comfort zone…it would be uncomfortable!
We like to be comfortable too!
God made you. He even fashioned your personality and gifting…all for his purposes during your life time. Each of us have been created by God with individual personalities…this is how we are wired. Each personality has strengths as well as weaknesses. For instance, for one of the personality types a major weakness is being “bossy”. Does that mean that the person with this personality type should just say, ” Oh God made me this way!” and continue on in being bossy?
No! Instead the weaknesses of any personality should be committed to God for his shaping.
Over the years we have learned patterns of the flesh. You and I have habits that might have worked for us in the past but will no longer work for us if we are to FOLLOW after Christ, and join Him where He is taking us.
My personality is primarily sanguine. I like to have fun, and I like to talk…too much! Being I am called to be a communicator and teacher, talking is part of how I am wired…and a Good Thing…a strength. But, on a personal note, one of my weaknesses is talking too much or talking over people.
Scripture says be slow to speak… so God desires to change that in me. Often I interrupt without being aware that I am doing it. I hate it when it’s brought to my attention. I get embarrassed that I have been rude. I am giving this area to God and have been working on living in the God-given strength of my personality rather than settling for the weakness. Talking over people comes naturally, but it is not what is best for me if I am to line up to God’s word, and follow God’s path. Putting others first, being slow to speak and quick to listen is what I am learning.
This is much like living in the Spirit, rather than settling for living in old flesh patterns.
We are encouraged in Scripture NOT to settle for the weaknesses that are present in us….but challenge them!
Do not settle for the flesh, when you can LIVE UP and have a different outcome in the Spirit.
“For I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other…” Galatians 5:16-17
Being a Good Leader starts with being a Good Follower!
Jesus says, Come and Follow.
How is He asking you to follow Him today?
Wow- You were speaking directly to my heart this morning. The emailed question is the exact question I ask myself often. I tend to apologize for the same thing over and over – it is weary. My major personality weakness is “bossy” and even though being “bossy” worked for me in the past, I desire to change. Thank you for showing me how to change by committing my weaknesses to God for his shaping. Your blog is awesome!! Love, Terry