Psalm 139: 17-18 God’s Word Translation
“How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God!
How vast in number they are! If I try to count them there would be more of them than there are grains of sand. When I wake up. I am still with you.”
Throughout Scripture we are urged to have a different “mind” about things than the unbeliever. Yet often our minds are not much different. Why? Because we have been affected by life and our perspective is often tainted with our hurts, our views, or the views that we have been taught…or NOT taught.
We must re-educate and become very aware of what God’s word says in the practical areas. I can’t think of anything more practical than getting a Biblical Life View of what God thinks about me. When that is in focus my life is very different. Why? Because once I understand that God is “for me” and “loves me” and that love “will take care of me”, I can begin to get over “ME”!
Read the opening verses again. What does it say to you?
Can you imagine counting the sand in the picture to the right?
It’s pretty impossible. In the same way we can not imagine for a moment how often and how much God is mindful of us. Why? Because God values what He has made. You were not a haphazard after-thought in the book of life. You were and still are God’s own plan. You, dear leader, were created for His purposes.
Oswald Chambers
“He urges us to keep our minds filled with the concept that God is in control of everything…Fill your mind with the thought that God is there. And once you fill your mind with that thought, when difficulties come, it will be as easy as breathing for you to remember, My heavenly father knows about this!” from My Utmost for His Highest ( July 16)
Daily Prayer
Father, I thank you today that You Know! Yes…You Know, You Know, You Know! And because you know and because of your love for me, I can begin to learn to walk in surrender and obedience. Because you know, I can begin to walk in faith. Because you know, I can learn to rest.
Jesus…Retrain my Brain! Amen.
Praising God today for being mindful of me and thinking of me often. I thank Him for transforming unbelief into faith.
“Oh. how kind our Lord was, for he showed me how to trust him and become full of the love of Christ. 1 Tim. 1:14 TLB
Please make this a devotional! I feel like it is water to my sole